
We’re thrilled to introduce to you to Simple Blog, a way for you to easily create, edit, and publish blog posts to your Strikingly website. Over the past years, we’ve heard your feedback and have been hard at work translating the simplicity of Strikingly over to a blogging experience. Simple Blog is a clean and clutter-free blogging experience, allowing you to focus on what’s really important: sh…

Without further ado, we’ve brought you stylistic flexibility for the appearance of your blogs – we know you’ve craved it for some time! Now, you can freely choose and change up the best fit for your blog section, with our six different choices of layout. Some emphasize images. Some emphasize descriptions. All are beautiful. We’ll let the gif below do the talking.

A while back, we talked about why your blog needs an email list. Today, we’re diving head first into how – breaking it down into newbie friendly steps you can implement right away. These steps are so easy that even your grandma could do them (but let’s not give her too many ideas). Okay! Let’s get started. 1. Craft high-value lead magnets. A lead magnet is something you offer your site visitors i…

How to do Market Research for Your Business (for Free) “The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others”. -John Locke​ It feels like it’s all coming together, perfectly. The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) you’ve been working on for months, is finally completed. Now, do you launch it into the world an…

An Introduction to Facebook Advertising I’ve tested every marketing method in the book, but there’s one I keep coming back to every time – Facebook Advertising. Let’s back up. You’ve done the technical bit. You’ve set up your online store and listed your products. But finding those first few customers is hard. For me, there’s no faster way to get your products in front of your target audience th…